The HILT website compiles teaching and learning resources across the University. Search for Resources allows you to browse those resources pertaining to a specific role or enter a search term in the search bar. In this context, “teaching and learning resource” includes a broad range of offerings—from profiles featuring effective practices to grant-funded projects to larger initiatives and organizations.


Title Institutional Home ? Summary
Enhancing student team effectiveness HLS Awardees plan to use online assessments to improve team effectiveness and provide students with informative feedback about their role as team members.
H20: Adaptable digital textbooks HLS Awardees plan to develop further their online H20 platform for digital textbook design and distribution.
Language through the visual arts: An interdisciplinary partnership FAS Awardees plan to develop innovative methodology and curricula to promote the use of visual art in language classes.
Transforming stories and public health lessons of Ashland, MA, into a multimedia case for learning CROSS Awardees plan to create (using Zeega software) a multimedia “case” that better integrates quantitative and qualitative information, for use in a public health course and as a model for next-generation case-based teaching.
Expanding existing innovative program for assessing student learning in hands-on innovation courses SEAS Expanding existing innovative program for assessing student learning in hands-on innovation courses. Awardee plans to advance methods for better assessing how teams interact and ideas develop during experiential learning in multi-disciplinary engineering classes focused on design and innovation.
Development of a multimedia textbook FAS Awardees plan to develop a digital textbook for an existing course.
SciBox 1.0: An innovative, experimental learning space inspiring creative approaches to teaching FAS Awardees plan to redesign a 2,500 sq ft space in the Science Center into an experimental "black-box" classroom that could be used for existing classes beginning in Spring 2013.
Forgetting as a Friend of Learning CROSS H

Forgetting as a Friend of Learning: Implications for teaching and self-regulated learning Speakers: Dr. Robert A. Bjork, UCLA Date: Friday, October 11, 2013, 1:30pm Location: William James Hall 105 It is natural to think that learning is a matter of building up skills or knowledge in one’s memory and that forgetting is a matter of […]

Research-based principles for multimedia learning CROSS H People learn more deeply from words and graphics than from words alone. This assertion can be called the multimedia principle, and it forms the basis for using multimedia instruction.
A Conversation between Susan Singer and Harvard Science Faculty about Improving Undergraduate Science Education CROSS

A Conversation between Susan Singer and Harvard Science Faculty about Improving Undergraduate Science Education Speakers: Susan R. Singer, Carleton College and National Science Foundation Date: Friday, May 1, 2015, 2:00pm to 3:30pm Location: By invitation only Susan Rundell Singer Susan Rundell Singer is Division Director in the Division of Undergraduate Education at NSF and Laurence […]

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