The table below is the beginning of a collection, in alphabetical order, of teaching and learning tools from across the University. We are defining “tool” broadly to include any site that provides a technological value-add to improve teaching and learning. Many of the tools listed below were facilitated by HILT grants or events. As this list grows, we will develop the appropriate filters to facilitate an efficient browsing experience. Currently, to find specific content, please use the search bar and filters.
If you know of a tool that should be listed here, please let us know.

ablConnect is an online database of active learning efforts in post-secondary classrooms.

AnnotationsX is an educational tool that allows faculty to set up text, image, and video objects within their Canvas (or Edx) course site, so that students can engage with the materials by submitting annotations.

An educational tool that uses evidence-based principles to improve learning and help users remember material learned in class, at home, or in the hospital.

A suite of tools that enhance the Canvas LMS. Each tool is simple and designed with students and teaching teams in mind.

Connected Scholar
The Connected Scholar is an online writing workspace for students and scholars to compose writing projects while tracking the progression of their ideas through exploratory, intellectual engagement with established works.

The catalog will help you explore Harvard's course history, plan for your semester schedule, and search by keywords.

Enables students and faculty to search video collections for content on a wide variety of topics

Find a Space
Use the Find a Space app to browse library spaces across campus — from the perfect open space for studying to group work rooms and more.

A toolkit for teaching in the Government Department, with resources for developing lesson plans, assigning and grading writing, and giving effective feedback.

H2O (OpenCasebook)
H2O helps law faculty create high quality, open-licensed digital textbooks for free.

Harvard Link - Explore your Harvard
Harvard Link is a personalized dashboard for faculty and staff that uses text analytics to make suggestions on Harvard researchers, courses, organizations, research funding opportunities, news, and events that are related to the user’s interests.

Harvard Writes
A resource for writers and teachers of writing: Harvard faculty talk about the elements of academic argument.

Instructional Moves
The goal of the Instructional Moves (IM) project is to help you incorporate and refine high-leverage teaching practices tailored to the higher education context.

Itero is aimed at understanding how revision history and analytics of writing processes can affect behaviors and outcomes for writers.

Japan Disasters Digital Archive
Aggregating Japan's disaster data and reporting from around the world.

Learning Catalytics
Originally developed by the Mazur Group at Harvard and now owned by Pearson, it supports the peer instruction method of teaching, and can also be used to get real-time feedback during class.

Omeka is an open-source platform that allows you to create and share rich visual collections online, and to craft complex narratives from them. helps scholars, journals, courts, and others create permanent records of the web sources they cite.

Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is a third-party, web-based polling tool that allows participants to text their answers with their cell phones or to respond via any Web-enabled device.

Create surveys, collaborate with others, and distribute your survey. Qualtrics is available to the Harvard Community.

Real-Time Connections in Online Courses
Best practices for using Canvas to enhance student engagement in your class.

ScienceWrites - Your toolkit for writing in the sciences
A joint venture of the Harvard College Writing Program and the Science Education Office of Harvard College, ScienceWrites helps students adapt what they've learned in Expos for their science classes.

Teachly is an application that brings the dynamics of a small classroom to larger lecture halls.

WorldWide Telescope Kiosk
Interactive touchscreen kiosk in the Harvard Science Center lobby built through the Harvard educational kiosks project.

Zotero is a research management software program that enables you to save and organize your references, then output them as in-text citations, footnotes, and bibliographies through a word-processing software plugin.