The emergence of generative AI as a powerful tool in education presents an unparalleled opportunity to enhance pedagogical methods, personalize learning experiences, and foster a deeper understanding of complex subjects. In the spring of 2024, in recognition of the rapid advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, the Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching (HILT) provided discretionary funding to two projects with a strategic focus on generative AI and its application in teaching and learning. 

The projects detailed below were carefully selected for their potential to leverage generative AI in ways that are innovative, feasible, and aligned with HILT’s core objectives. These projects embody the spirit of technological advancement and adhere to the principles of effective teaching and meaningful learning experiences. 



“Generative AI in Student-Directed Projects: Advice and Inspiration”

Read Karen and Paulina’s project summary.

Headshot of Karen Brennan


Karen Brennan, Timothy E. Wirth Professor of Practice in Learning Technologies (HGSE)


Headshot of Paulina Haduong



Paulina Haduong, Visiting Scholar (HGSE)


“AI Writing Companion for Foreign Language Learning”

Read Nicole’s project summary.

Headshot of Nicole Mills



Nicole Mills, Senior Preceptor in Romance Languages and Literatures (FAS)