• Learn Remotely

    Where to go, what to do, and how to get help as you learn online.
  • Teach Remotely

    Learn best practices, available tools, and how to get support for teaching your classes online.
  • Operation Impact Kick-Off Event

    This event, took place on Thursday, October 3, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Smith Campus Center. The University-wide kick-off launched a new year of Operation Impact. The event covered the basics of the Pilot Funds and other portions of Operation Impact. The event is useful for networking to find other students with similar interests and innovative ideas.
  • Rubric Visualization Project

    Awardees will create a program to transform raw rubric data into an easy-to-understand visualization that shows which part of an assignment students best performed on and which parts they need help with.
  • We are all Educators: Piloting a Workshop to Prepare University Staff to Act as Effective Educators

    Awardees will create resources and a workshop that will enable staff members to more effectively act as educators when working with students on formal and informal projects.
  • 2019 HILT Conference

    HILT’s eighth annual conference held on September 27, 2019, in Wasserstein Hall, explored various approaches to peer learning at Harvard and beyond: in the classroom (residential and online) and outside the classroom.
  • Enhancing student learning through field experience

    Gonzalo Giribet, Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, takes students in his course Biology and Evolution of Invertebrate Animals (co-taught this semester with Professor Cassandra Extavour) to Panama to do fieldwork during spring break to help them see how invertebrate animals “are assembled in nature,” and how “organisms are integrated into systems.” Students incur no costs for the trip thanks to funding from the Museum of Comparative Zoology.
  • How digital education transforms residential teaching: Systematic analysis of faculty attitudes and experiences creating MOOCs

    Awardees will synthesize instructors’ pedagogically relevant experiences and lessons learned making Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and create a set of best practices.
  • Revision history analytics in service of analyzing the writing process

    Awardees analyzed revision patterns in student writing, how they relate to activities within specific passages of a written text, and how revision-history analytics can play a role in supporting teaching and improvement in writing skills.
  • Bridging education research and practice using online learning modules

    Awardees will explore the best-performing sequences of instructional materials in both controlled studies and in the context of real online courses.