2018 Conference Materials:

2018 Conference Breakout Session Resources:

Advancing and Promoting Quality Teaching

Harvard-developed Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning

Improving Teaching by Studying Student Learning

Simple Ways to Use the Science of Learning

HILT Resources:

Simple Principles from the Science of Learning: Implications for the Art of Teaching.  Chart distributed at 2018 Annual Conference.

Driver-Linn, E. “Some Evidence-based Principles of Student Learning: Implications for Best Teaching Practices.”  Unpublished internal working document, summer 2008.

Moulton, S. T.  “Applying Psychological Science to Higher Education: Key Findings and Open Questions.”  Unpublished internal working document, April 16, 2014.

Books, Chapters, Articles:

Ambrose, S.A.,  How Learning Works:  Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching.  Jossey-Bass, 2010.

Bransford, J.D.,, eds.  How People Learn:  Brain, Mind, Experience and School, expanded edition.  National Academy Press, 2000.

Kosslyn, S.M. “The Science of Learning:  Mechanisms and Principles” In Kosslyn, S.M. and Nelson, B., eds.  Building the Intentional University:  Minerva and the Future of Higher Education (149-164).   MIT Press, 2017.

Lang, J.M. “Small Changes in Teaching.”  Chronicle of Higher Education, June 22, 2016.

—.  Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons From the Science of Learning.  Jossey-Bass, 2016.


How Students LearnYale Center for Teaching and Learning

The Science of LearningDerek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

Conference media:

Learning About Teaching Now, Harvard Magazine

Kerrey: Let’s re-emphasize critical thinking, Harvard Gazette