• Collab-O

    The project aims to fulfill the need of future leaders who are conversant with the problems, have global networks and comprehensive understanding to find solutions in a collaborative One Health approach.
  • Bonsai

     Bonsai is a personalized and adaptive solution that develops SEL skills in middle school students by encouraging them to engage in microlearning activities.
  • Aman

    This project aims to tackle hatred and bigotry in India and Pakistan through developing curriculum, guidelines and training for teachers.
  • The Growing Book

    Awardees would like to develop an app to encourage and facilitate children’s active learning and their socio-emotional development through gamified storytelling activities.
  • Rise: the membership

    Rise: the membership is an online community and learning platform is for soon-to-be and recent female college grads interested in learning life skills partnered with an awareness for spiritual and personal growth.
  • Meet

    Meet is a crowdsourced platform for job-seekers to share and access trusted and relevant information about employers in their local area.
  • MentorMEd

    MentorMEd is a phone apps (which works almost like the dating apps) for mentorship combining mutual 'like' feature and matching tags percentage.
  • T3alMENA

    Through storytelling and mentorship, awardees are connecting Arab youth with leaders they look up to by hearing relatable stories and receiving guidance in Arabic.
  • LovelyBooks

    Awardees plan to bring technology and research (e.g. customization of morals by parents, illustrating children directly into books to increase engagement etc) to improve the learning outcomes generated by children's picture books.
  • C2B: Classroom to Boardroom

    C2B seeks to provide an immersive training program designed in close collaboration with rapidly growing industries (i.e. tech-focused companies). Awardees want to help organizations recruit and retain talents that will help increase productivity and achieve higher rate of sustainable growth.