HILT Conference 2016
Friday, September 30, 2016
Wasserstein Hall, Harvard University
- Sharing the small stuff (Harvard Gazette)
Breakout session resources
Creative approaches and nudges for educational development
How can research advance learning?
- Notes and reflections from session participants
- HILT sponsored working paper series at the Harvard Kennedy School
- “Getting an Honest Answer: Clickers in the Classroom” with Josh Yardley and Richard Zeckhauser. HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP15-071, November 2015. Forthcoming in Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- “Cold Calling and Web Postings: Do They Improve Students’ Preparation and Learning in Statistics?” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 14, No. 5, December 2014, pp. 92 – 109 (with Josh Bookin). Article available here
Slowing down learning and the benefits of frustration
- Resources and citations used for session discussion
- Notes and reflections from session participants
Small-scale teaching innovations
- Easy teaching innovations submitted by Harvard faculty