Lessons Learned from HGSE’s One-Year Online Learning Fellows Initiative
Hosted by the HILT Learning Design Affinity Group, co-chairs: Karina Lin-Murphy, Neil Patch, Gabe Abrams Monday, May 20th, 12:00pm to 1:00pm ET Online via Zoom (recorded) | Register via this link to receive the Zoom login Looking to enhance your school’s online learning services? This interactive panel session introduces a novel course design support model […]
Mosaic Awardees: Erick Diaz (GSD), Sascha Pellerin (HGSE), and Joshua Baltodano (HKS) Summary: Mosaic supports first-generation college students applying to graduate school through a comprehensive and individualized coaching model. Our coaches, who are first-gen themselves, walk applicants through the key aspects of an application (e.g., resumes, personal statements, and selecting recommendors) and provide detailed feedback […]
Hackademic Awardees: Sajeev Popat (HKS) and Ian Davenport (GSAS) Summary: Hackademic is a software platform that helps PhD students in academia prepare for and start full-time data science careers in industry. We’re developing a sell guided training platform that takes academics from research to industry without internships, bootcamps, or MOOCs.
Operation Impact Kick-Off Event
This event, took place on Thursday, October 3, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Smith Campus Center. The University-wide kick-off launched a new year of Operation Impact. The event covered the basics of the Pilot Funds and other portions of Operation Impact. The event is useful for networking to find other students with similar interests and innovative ideas. -
Incorporating social support and love into the classroom
Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Lecturer on Education, focuses on ensuring that holistic support is apparent and felt deeply in her classroom. From listing mental health resources on all her syllabi to convening opening circles to build relationships at the start of class, Brion-Meisels incorporates ways of “checking in.” In her course Establishing Loving Spaces for Learning, students are asked to keep reflective journals and share them with a peer to engage in a conversation around their experiences. “Fundamentally, my biggest goal is to normalize the idea that everyone needs support. We’re all works-in-progress, learning and growing, but also with a lot to contribute to each other’s growth.” -
Usable Knowledge
A digital publication based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education produced for educators everywhere. Usable Knowledge was founded to connect research to practice. They make education research and well-vetted strategies accessible to a wide audience: teachers and principals, district leaders, policymakers, university faculty and higher ed professionals, nonprofit leaders, entrepreneurs, members of the media, and parents. -
We are all Educators: Piloting a Workshop to Prepare University Staff to Act as Effective Educators
Awardees will create resources and a workshop that will enable staff members to more effectively act as educators when working with students on formal and informal projects. -
Yelp PD
The mission of Yelp PD* is to provide school and district leaders with an online platform with unbiased, independent reviews of professional development (PD) sessions to aid leaders in efficiently finding effective PD that meets their educators’ diverse needs. -
FEEd – Finance and Economics Education
FEEd – Finance and Economics Education Awardees: Trang Luong (HGSE) & Tue Tran (HLS) Summary: Description coming soon
StEP: Student-Educator Partnerships
In order to leverage the strengths of small school communities, we want to bring together teachers and students for conversation around how classroom practices can be relevant and engaging for all students.