• Modular Pre-Schools

    We would like to develop a low-cost, highly-mobile modular pre-school which would help communities to recover from hardships or expand their educational capacity to children who may not have been able to access education before.
  • KinderStories

    KinderStories is a school readiness program that prepares incoming kindergartners for the social and emotional learning (SEL) expectations of the classroom.
  • Bonsai

     Bonsai is a personalized and adaptive solution that develops SEL skills in middle school students by encouraging them to engage in microlearning activities.
  • Aman

    This project aims to tackle hatred and bigotry in India and Pakistan through developing curriculum, guidelines and training for teachers.
  • YourCampus

    The main purpose of YourCampus is to provide an educational networking platform for prospective applicants to connect with current students from their top choice universities.
  • TodayDream

    Phase one of TodayDream consists of a dynamic web portal to connect schools/orgs with nearby talented minorities, mobile app for participating speakers and other talented minorities to build community & foster alliances among themselves, and partnerships with corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies to provide speakers to join our community, as well as access a repository of minority talent to promote diversity in hiring.
  • ColorFULL

    Awardees collaborate with educators and their students to create culturally affirming literary, audio, & visual content and curriculum
  • T3alMENA

    Through storytelling and mentorship, awardees are connecting Arab youth with leaders they look up to by hearing relatable stories and receiving guidance in Arabic.
  • MythOS

    MythOS is addressing the growing gap in social and emotional skills among adolescents who are not being served by traditional social activities (sports, theater, etc.) but are instead consumed by digital entertainment. MythOS is using games that resonate with digitally-focused adolescents to drive home social and emotional skills.
  • Data Coach for Teachers

    Awardees project seeks to address this problem through an easy-to-understand and free website or software that educators could use to (a) consolidate their data, (b) analyze their data, and (c) move quickly from analysis to action-planning.