Teaching and Learning Consortium

The HILT Teaching and Learning Consortium (TLC) is a University-wide, participant-driven organization of selected academic professional staff who lead and provide instructional support in their respective School or University unit. The TLC aims to inspire, incubate, support, share, and make more visible effective and innovative teaching and learning practices. It invites its members to continually connect and reflect on its activities for optimal solutions and impact.

2024-2025 Membership Teaching and Learning Consortium (TLC)

The TLC convenes four meetings (two per semester) and two social gatherings per academic year where (through a combination of presentations, workshops, and other activities) members::

  • share information, tools, and research efforts to promote increased dialogue across school boundaries;
  • address common challenges and leverage collective expertise to inform and design solutions;
  • connect colleagues on campus to discuss teaching, learning, and technological goals;
  • identify cross-School opportunities for exploration and collaboration, including School-level initiatives that can be scaled;
  • provide feedback and guidance to University-level initiatives.

University-wide TLC activities have included:

  • exploration of the scope, design, and utility of a resource to “map” or make more visible all teaching and learning support structures at Harvard;
  • generation of faculty and resource suggestions for publication in VPAL’s biweekly Into Practice e-letter;
  • participation in HILT’s grant review process, providing feedback, resources, and University connections for faculty, staff, and student grant applicants;
  • consultation on the design of HILT’s 2015 faculty workshop on assessment;
  • organization of Learning Spaces Week and development of a learning spaces 3D map.

HILT aims to further advance the TLC’s work by providing administrative support and connection across the multi-faceted and fast-changing teaching and learning space.