Affinity Groups
The TLC network convenes Affinity Groups around shared teaching and learning interests and professional objectives. Harvard affiliates are welcome to join Affinity Groups at the links below to receive more information about meetings and events.

GenAI in Teaching & Learning
The Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching (HILT) is hosting a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Teaching and Learning Affinity Group for Harvard affiliates who are seeking to attend small, regular meetings for sharing resources, success, and challenges around the integration of GenAI into teaching and learning.
Led by co-chairs:
Anastasia Tolu, Associate Director, Instructional Technology (HLS); Lee LaFleur, Director of Learning and Teaching Services (FAS); Mae Klinger, Associate Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation (HKS).
For more information, request to join our listserv.

Learning Data & Analytics
Connects Harvard community members with an interest in the collection and analysis of data about student learning for the purpose of understanding and improving teaching and learning outcomes. We aim to learn about, share, and develop tools and practices for accessing and analyzing learning data. Topics of current interest include 1) investigation of currently available learning analytics tools such as the VPAL data products, 2) discussion of the design and implementation of effective measures of student learning, including course evaluations, and 3) the policies surrounding access to analytics data.
Led by co-chairs:
Maria Flanagan, Senior Associate Director for Digital Learning Design (HKS); Patrice Torcivia, Director of Learning Design (HGSE); Allain Williams, Product Manager (VPAL).
For more information and to get involved, join our Slack Channel.

Learning Design
A community of practice comprised of staff and faculty across Harvard interested in or working in the areas of learning design, learning assessment, and instructional innovation. A forum for people to support and share new approaches to learner-centered design and bridging technology with pedagogy. Through online channels and in-person gatherings, the HILT Affinity Group for Learning Design (LD) supports a network for informal consulting in learning design across Harvard.
Led by co-chairs:
Gabe Abrams, Principal Software Engineer and EdTech Innovator (DCE); Karina Lin-Murphy, Associate Director, Course Design & Pedagogical Innovation (HBS); Neil Patch, Online Learning Manager (HKS).
For more information, request to join the Slack Channel. Subscribers must sign up using their Harvard email address. Please contact with any questions.

Learning Spaces
Organizes events throughout the year to highlight newly renovated spaces around campus and explore how well-designed learning spaces promote student learning. Additionally, the HILT Affinity Group for Learning Spaces will work toward developing shared resources and networks to support effective local decision-making.
Led by co-chairs:
Deb Sears, Learning Spaces Instructional Technologist (HUIT); Mallory Stark, Curriculum Services Specialist, Baker Library; Claudia Stumpf, Senior Instructional Technologist (HKS)
For more information, request to join the mailing list.
Research-Informed Teaching & Learning
Brings together Harvard instructors, researchers, and staff to discuss insights from scholarly research on higher education and adult learning. In this cross-disciplinary community of practice, participants will engage with foundational and emerging research on the learning sciences, and reflect on and workshop opportunities to apply learning science findings to their own disciplinary context. Furthermore, we invite Harvard researchers to share their own work on learning in higher education (which might be in the form of SoTL, DBER, or research in related fields such as cognitive psychology or sociology) with other educational professionals and instructors. Through in-person and online events, the HILT Affinity Group for Research-Informed Teaching and Learning (RITL) aims to support, promote, and innovate with evidence-based instruction across the Harvard network.
Led by co-chairs:
David Ginnings, Senior Learning Designer, Office of Educational Programs (HSPH); Odile Harter, Head of Library Engagement and Experience (FAS).
For more information join our canvas site or request to join the mailing list