Geospatial education at Harvard: A new course in mapping and spatial perspectives
Awardees developed a new course on spatial reasoning, cartography, and geographic analysis. -
Framework courses in arts and humanities
Awardees plan three Graduate Seminars in General Education that will ultimately lead to proposals for foundational Gen Ed courses in the arts and humanities. -
Learning and teaching negotiation and conflict resolution skills to enhance patient safety in the OR
Awardees plan to enable learners to apply principles of negotiation and conflict resolution in the high-stakes operating room environment, with the ultimate goal of improving medical teamwork and patient safety. -
Online analytic reading and writing tutorial dissemination and evaluation
Awardees plan to use usage data and impact assessments to further develop their online tutorial on analytic reading and writing. -
Cultivating communities of practice in graduate student teaching
Awardee plans to develop a formal model of professional development for doctoral students who serve as teaching fellows. -
Faculty Focus on Teaching: A collaborative venture to develop pedagogic insights, ambitions, and techniques
Awardee plans to create an online, video-based process for analyzing and sharing effective teaching strategies among faculty colleagues. -
The lecture in 21st century learning: Reconstructing and revaluing our oldest teaching asset
Awardee plans to redesign his large lecture course based on active learning strategies but, at the same time, preserving possible benefits of the traditional lecture format. -
Badging education: Individualization, collaboration and innovation at the leading edge
Awardees plan to develop a social media and badging platform that allows students to share and collaboratively develop their core knowledge and competencies. -
Test-enhanced learning: Applying principles of cognitive psychology to education
Applying principles of cognitive psychology to education. Awardees plan to study how formative assessment can be better used in lecture courses to promote learning. -
Learning bundles: A tool to enhance student learning in higher education
Awardee plans to create a tool that combines video, links to online material, and classroom exercises to facilitate student thinking about complex topics on which experts disagree.