Team-based learning in the humanities
Awardee will redesign a course with team-based learning (TBL) principles and assess the benefits and challenges of the approach. -
Virtual reality narratives in foreign language pedagogy
Awardees will engage foreign language students in cultural and linguistic immersion through virtual reality (VR) film narratives. -
Revision history analytics in service of analyzing the writing process
Awardees analyzed revision patterns in student writing, how they relate to activities within specific passages of a written text, and how revision-history analytics can play a role in supporting teaching and improvement in writing skills. -
New methods for hands-on teaching in the history of technology
Awardee developed experiential learning opportunities for students in history of technology courses, including in-class demonstration and simulation. -
Transforming team-learning teaching cases in public health for online platforms: an e-learning module development project
Awardees transformed STRIPED teaching cases for online delivery, consistent with digital learning research and toward expanded outreach to working professionals. -
DIY flipping kit: Blended learning in the context of Canvas
Awardees created a “do it yourself” flipping kit to help faculty across the University develop blended learning materials using Canvas. -
Extending active classroom activities to online students
Awardees developed methods for online students to participate in active learning exercises designed for the traditional classroom. -
Embodied learning investigation
Awardees will investigate whether embodied class exercises, relevant to the material being taught, yield greater understanding and retention of this material compared to teaching that relies solely on demonstrations. -
Analyzing long-term retention of information in science gateway course
Awardees will administer a survey to Harvard College graduates to analyze the long-term retention of the concepts and abilities taught in a gateway science course. -
Bridging education research and practice using online learning modules
Awardees will explore the best-performing sequences of instructional materials in both controlled studies and in the context of real online courses.