Research-Informed Teaching and LearningResearch-Informed Teaching & Learning Affinity Group

Distracted: Using the Science of Learning to Cultivate Student Attention

Friday, May 7: 11:00am – 12:00pm

It often seems that the current generation of students is more distracted than ever, especially given the proliferation of technology at our fingertips. In the face of ever-present distractions, how can we cultivate students’ attention in order to foster deep learning? In this first meeting of the Research-Informed Teaching and Learning (RITL) Affinity Group, we will share research-based insights from James Lang’s new book Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It (2020) and collectively brainstorm applications to our own work as educators. (No need to read the book beforehand!) We will also make time to discuss future directions for this affinity group. Register in advance to join via Zoom.

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