The table below is the beginning of a collection, in alphabetical order, of ideas from across the University around teaching and learning. Many of the ideas listed were facilitated by HILT grants or events. As this list grows, we will develop the appropriate filters to facilitate an efficient browsing experience. Currently, to find specific content, please use the search bar and filters.
If you know of an idea that should be listed here, please let us know.

Analytic Reading and Writing Tutorial
The Online Analytic Reading and Writing Tutorial explains and models high-leverage techniques for reading analytically and keeping track of ideas.

Center for Geographic Analysis
The emergence of spatial analysis and GIS has enabled landmark developments in urban planning, engineering, humanities, public health, and environmental science.

Easy Innovations
A product of the 2016 HILT Annual Conference, Easy Innovation is a collection of small-scale teaching innovations shared by Harvard faculty.

Faculty Focus on Teaching
Faculty Focus on Teaching is a collaborative effort of faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) to develop and share pedagogic insights, ambitions, and techniques.

Gund 522, HILT Room
Gund 522 is part of a multi-year project to develop a technology-rich space for teaching and learning both at the GSD and across Harvard.

HKS Teaching and Learning Working Paper Series
The HKS Teaching and Learning Working Paper Series promotes research-based approaches to instructional practice.

Into Practice
Into Practice, a biweekly communication distributed to active instructors during the academic year, highlights the pedagogical practices of individual faculty members from across schools and delivers timely, evidence-based teaching advice, contributing to and strengthening a University-wide community of practice around teaching.

Learning Spaces
Key takeaways from Learning Spaces week at Harvard, where over 200 Harvard affiliates participated in an event similar to an academic scavenger hunt.

Making Classroom Minutes Count
Sponsored by the Academic Dean’s Office and SLATE, and with funding from the Harvard Initiative on Learning and Teaching (HILT), the Making Classroom Minutes Count project was launched in spring 2014 to support HKS faculty in the development of tools and strategies to take best advantage of valuable classroom time.

Prison Studies Project
In the fall of 2008, Professor of Sociology Bruce Western and Kaia Stern, then Project Director at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School, forged a relationship with Boston University’s longstanding Prison Education Program and the Massachusetts Department of Correction to create unique opportunities for college education in prison.

Quabinet is a collection of resources for quantitative and computational biology, aimed at life scientists.

Strategies for Interactive Teaching in Lecture Courses
Strategies to identify strategies that will enable traditional lecture courses in history and related subjects to be augmented with interactive exercises that increase student engagement and improve learning outcomes.

Teaching Creativity: Landscape Architecture, Originality, and Autobiography
A master class-style seminar that explored creativity in landscape architecture—what it is, where it comes from, what feeds it, and, crucially, whether and how it can be taught or nurtured.