Project Summary


Karen Brennan, Timothy E. Wirth Professor of Practice in Learning Technologies (HGSE) and Paulina Haduong, Visiting Scholar (HGSE), embarked on an innovative project to explore the potential of generative AI tools in enriching student-directed, project-based learning. The endeavor aimed to overcome the challenges of providing sufficient support and resources, which are vital for the success of project-based learning, particularly in large classroom settings. 

The project sought to develop a guide consisting of strategies and practical examples to integrate AI into student projects. Throughout the project, Brennan and Haduong—in collaboration with graduate students Avantika Kolluru (HGSE Ed.M. 2024), Sally Yao (HGSE Ed.M. 2024), and Jacob Wolf (current HGSE Ph.D. student)—engaged extensively with both students and faculty to gain insights into current AI tool usage and explore ways to enhance the learning experience. By mapping AI’s role across different stages of student-directed project development, the research team documented the many different ways students were using a wide range of generative AI tools in their self-directed work. These interview-based interactions informed the iterative development of strategies, culminating in a design charrette where students explored and provided feedback on the guide.

The final product, “Generative AI in Student-Directed Projects: Advice and Inspiration”, consists of a downloadable 80-page guide and a website to interactively explore the strategies. The guide features curated advice, case studies, and practical examples to assist educators and students in effectively utilizing AI in project-based learning. This resource aims to broaden access to effective project-based learning experiences, empowering both educators and students to harness AI for enhanced educational outcomes across a variety of learning environments.


Headshot of Karen Brennan on a light green background.



Karen Brennan, Timothy E. Wirth Professor of Practice in Learning Technologies (HGSE)

Headshot of Paulina Haduong on a light green background.



Paulina Haduong, Visiting Scholar (HGSE)

Related news:

Tips for Using AI, From Grad Students and Professors” — Usable Knowledge, HGSE