Syllabus Explorer
Harvard Syllabus Explorer is a web application developed by the Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning - Research Group. Syllabus Explorer combines registrarial data and syllabi from Canvas to give users the ability to search for and download syllabi across Harvard. -
Designing Your Course
Course design resources from the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, including 1) Backward Design, 2) Functions of the Syllabus, 3) Formative ("low-stakes") vs. Summative ("high-stakes") Assessments, 4) Assignment Modalities, 5) Framing and Sequencing Assignments, and 6) Grading and Responding to Student Work. -
Transforming your syllabus to reach and engage students
When Katharina Piechocki, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, prepares for a course she has taught before, she significantly changes the syllabus to stay relevant in a rapidly-changing world, respond to students’ (and her own) growing interests, and take advantage of events outside the classroom. -
A balancing act: Making established courses your own
Karin Öberg, Thomas D. Cabot Associate Professor of Astronomy, taught departmental introductory course Stellar and Planetary Astronomy in 2016 by building on established material and modifying the curriculum using student feedback and her own observational assessment. -
The hidden curriculum: Engaging students on another level
Bernhard Nickel, Professor of Philosophy, engages students in his introductory College courses about the “hidden curriculum”—defined here as the social and disciplinary norms often invisible to both students and the teaching staff, including expectations about class preparation, in-session focus, respectful discussion behavior, and the role of feedback. -
Communicating course culture: Building on the syllabus
Karen Brennan, Assistant Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, designs her syllabus for T550: Designing for Learning by Creating to not only communicate the plan for the course, but to introduce students to the course culture. -
H20: Adaptable digital textbooks
Awardees plan to develop further their online H20 platform for digital textbook design and distribution. -
Quests for wisdom: Religious, moral, and aesthetic searches for the art of living
Awardees plan to design, fund, and assess a new interdisciplinary, cross-school course on “wisdom for the art of living” that seeks to transform students’ moral experiences through experiential learning. -
HSPH Case-Based Teaching and Learning Initiative
Case-Based Teaching and Learning Initiative provides a repository for all resources developed by and for the HSPH Case-Based Teaching and Learning Center. -
HSPH Office of education
Office of education supports SPH teaching community, provides teaching materials, workshops, and a library of health-based teaching cases.