• Discovery YA

    DISCOVERY YA is a student-run organization at the Harvard Graduate School of Design whose goals are to expand awareness and interest in design by offering introductory workshops and lessons in design to Boston Area youth. The program strives to foster the development of a broad range of design skills and to put students on track for exploring their creative ideas at the collegiate level. The goal of the program is to cultivate greater diversity in the next generation of designers in order to expand the scope and influence of the profession itself.
  • Harvard Student Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)

    The purpose of the Society is the advancement of knowledge, education, and skill in the art and science of landscape architecture as an instrument of service in the public welfare. To this end the Society promotes the profession of landscape architecture and advances the practice through advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship. The purpose of the Chapter shall be to bring students together through organized activities that: 1) are consistent with the purpose and policies of the Society; 2) enhance understanding of the Society, the profession, and related disciplines; 3) improve skills and knowledge and complement the educational curriculum; and 4) encourage participation in the programs and activities of the Society, its professional chapters, and other student and student affiliate chapters.
  • GSD/HKS Community Development Project (CDP)

    CDP is a joint student group comprised of students from the Graduate School of Design and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Participating students are Masters or Doctoral candidates in any range of degree programs at the GSD and HKS. Throughout the course of the year, students work collaboratively on 1 – 2 projects in the Greater Boston and New England region. CDP members have skills and interests, including: creative strategies for community and civic engagement, innovative urban policy and planning interventions, architecture and urban design, or research and writing. CDP works directly with local governments, organizations, and community members to develop a dynamic work-plan and a clear deliverable for the course of a semester or school year.
  • Korea GSD (KGSD)

    Korea GSD (KGSD) is an organization that connects the GSD’s environment with the Korean community at home and abroad. The group focuses on two goals: First, it serves as a platform for the greater student body to engage cultural, professional, and academic practices of contemporary Korea. Second, KGSD is the representative group for the Design School and establishes relationships with the larger academic community, including the 500-member Harvard Korea Society, as well as alumni and industry leaders. Korea GSD organizes lectures, events, discussion forums, and interdisciplinary activities in order to accomplish these goals.
  • The Harvard Real Estate Review

    The Harvard Real Estate Review publishes work, through the collaboration of students, faculty, design, and editorial professionals, which probes emerging trends in real estate that have significant implications for the future of the built environment.
  • Program on Negotiation

    "The Program on Negotiation (PON) is a university consortium dedicated to developing the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution. As a community of scholars and practitioners, PON serves a unique role in the world negotiation community. Founded in 1983 as a special research project at Harvard Law School, PON includes faculty, students, and staff from Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts University. At PON, we are committed to developing the theory and practice of negotiation, to nurturing the next generation of negotiation teachers and scholars, and to helping students become more effective negotiators. We accomplish this through research, seminars, courses, conferences, publications and special events."
  • AfricaGSD

    Development Conference : The Harvard African Development Conference brings together distinguished players working towards Africa’s development. At each conference, among other roles, AfricaGSD organizes a city-focused panel at the conference, drawing eminent architects, property developers, academics and urban planners to discuss Africa's urban past, present and future. The theme for the 2016 conference was The African Renaissance: Re-imagining engagement and opportunities and was organized in collaboration with student groups from various Harvard University schools: Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Law School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard College.
  • Women in Design

    Women in Design is committed to advancing gender equity in and through design. Led by women, but open to all, Women in Design works to make the design field more equitable and open in light of the historic under-representation of women in recognized leadership roles as well as design's critical need for diversity, collaboration, care, and re-centering marginalized voices. Women in Design organizes around three core objectives: (1) nurturing a supportive community of care on campus, (2) creating opportunities for students' personal and professional development, and (3) public advocacy for systemic change towards gender equity.
  • The Real Estate Development (RED) Club

    The Real Estate Development (RED) Club at the GSD is a student organization that provides students with an interest in real estate with the resources to further their knowledge of and pursue careers in the real estate industry. In addition, the RED Club seeks to establish and foster a strong real estate community between the GSD, alumni, other academic institutions and the global real estate network. The Club accomplishes its mission through a variety of events such as its speaker series, organized networking events with other real estate clubs and national organizations, global real estate specific treks and local site visits, and skill-building training sessions.
  • HLS Office of Career Services

    OCS provides career advice and connects SEAS students to in-term, summer, and post-graduating opportunities, with a focus on private sector careers and judicial clerkships.
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