• Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies

    "The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) was founded in 1969 at Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to promote the interdisciplinary understanding of European history, politics, economy and societies. Its mission is threefold: - To foster the study of and innovative research on Europe among Harvard faculty as well as graduate and undergraduate students. - To facilitate the training of new generations of scholars and experts in European studies. - To serve as a forum for vibrant discussions on European history and contemporary affairs which nurture the exchange of ideas across disciplines, sectors, generations, and across the Atlantic."
  • FAS Center for Writing and Communicating Ideas

    Harvard Griffin GSAS is dedicated to helping students from all disciplines hone their writing and communication skills, as they move from seminar papers to fellowship proposals, articles, dissertation chapters, and everything in between. Writing/speaking consultations and workshops for GSAS students.
  • FAS Instructional Media Services

    The Media Production Center (MPC) provides video and audio production services in support of teaching and learning, outreach, and research at Harvard. We work with faculty and their students, administrators, departments, and staff across the University to create instructional, training, and promotional videos, podcasts, musical recordings, livestreams in-studio or on-location, arts and musical performance documentation, and course capstone projects.
  • Harvard College Association for US China Relations (HAUSCR)

    HAUSCR gives Harvard Students the opportunity to engage with Chinese high school students to engage in collaborative learning, leadership, and entrepreneurship education, and cross-cultural exchange through three annual conferences.
  • American Sign Language Taskforce

    A new field developed in 2016 geared towards teaching sign language to students at Harvard, created as a student initiative and now adopted as a program in the linguistics department.
  • Act on A Dream

    Act on a Dream is a student-led, student-run organization at Harvard College focused on eradicating the barriers that Undocu+ students (undocumented, DACA, mixed-status family, and other immigrants) face in realizing their full potential. They provide high school and college students with academic resources, advocate for Harvard specific education reform, and organize conferences for general immigration reform and immigration information.
  • The Visualization Lab

    This is a research institute, industry-grade state-of-the-art immersive 3D stereo Visualization Facility that is used for research and small courses to present 3-D representations and visualizations.
  • Harvard Ed Portal

    The Ed Portal offers academic mentoring by Harvard undergraduates for children and youth in the subject areas of math, science, computer science, writing, and the arts. Allston-Brighton residents and students who attend the Gardner Pilot Academy, regardless of where they live, can participate in the Ed Portal’s youth programs. All programs are free and open to students in grades 1-12. Also has a mentorship program between 25 Harvard College undergraduates and Allston-Brighton children and teens from a variety of backgrounds, encouraging their exploration of science, writing, public speaking, math, technology and the arts.
  • Harvard College Writing Project

    The Harvard Writing Project (HWP) works to foster excellence in writing instruction throughout Harvard College. HWP consultants work with faculty and Teaching Fellows to develop effective ways of assigning and responding to student writing. The HWP also collaborates with faculty and Teaching Fellows to develop writing guides tailored to specific courses or disciplines.
  • Harvard College Writing Center

    The Writing Center is staffed by undergraduate peer tutors who help students in all concentrations with course writing assignments and fellowship/grant/graduate school applications through 1-on-1 tutoring services.
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