LGBTQ@GSAS provides a community and safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer graduate students. We ensure that LGBTQ voices have an established and respected place within the graduate community and Harvard's administration. Our monthly events include fun social gatherings, educational workshops on LGBTQ topics, activism to engage with real-world issues, and professional development in various fields. LGBTQ@GSAS is an intersectional organization, recognizing and celebrating the multitude of experiences within the LGBTQ community. We consciously support LGBTQ students from many ethnic, class, and religious backgrounds, and spread awareness that intersectional identities are greater than the sum of their parts.
  • HLS Information Technology Services

    ITS supports the multi-platform computing environment at HLS.
  • Harvard GSAS Latinx Student Association

    Harvard GSAS Latinx Student Association is an interdisciplinary organization committed to building community and providing intellectual and social support among students currently enrolled in graduate programs at Harvard University. During the academic year, the association encourages community building through academic, social, and community engagement events. The association also provides members a space to meet and discuss the graduate school experience.
  • Minority Biomedical Scientists of Harvard

    The objective of GSAS Minority Biomedical Scientists of Harvard (MBSH) is to meet the career development needs of biomedical scientists from groups traditionally underrepresented in academic departments at Harvard University and its affiliated institutions. The intent is to fashion a networking, mentoring, and mutually invigorating society to support the growth of successful scientific careers. Fundamental to the vision of the organization is the belief that the fabric of career planning, the art of advancement, and the intellectual and spiritual excitement of science benefit from the dialogue between undergraduate and graduate student scientists, medical students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty. The GSAS MBSH seeks to foster this interaction by creating a setting which attracts young biomedical scientists at all levels and maintains their commitment as active contributors to the society's functions. GSAS MBSH promotes these objectives through interactions with senior faculty as well as non-academic scientists and administrators who can provide counsel and guidance with regard to various issues.
  • HKS Office of Career Advancement

    Provides career advice, employer outreach, job search skills workshops, and connects SEAS students to in-term, summer, and post-graduating opportunities.
  • Harvard GSAS Consulting Club

    Harvard GSAS Consulting Club (HGCC) provides graduate students with a better understanding of the consulting field as a possible career choice. Our goal is to create opportunities for career exploration and development in consulting through programs such as consulting career fair, on-campus networking events, boutique consulting panels, consulting and case workshops, weekly case practice sessions, Harvard vs. MIT Case Competition, and consulting engagements through Volunteer Consulting Group. Members will contact consulting firms, support each other in strategies for interviewing for consulting positions, work on case studies, and otherwise assist each other in gaining information about consulting possibilities. Students will also work with the Office of Career Services staff who will advise and assist the group members.
  • Harvard Big Data Club

    The Harvard Big Data Club in GSAS is a graduate student group dedicated to promoting interest in big data analysis, machine learning, and data science tools among members of the GSAS community. The following goals describe the three main pillars of the club: Providing opportunities and tools/resources for graduate students at Harvard to explore interests and develop skills in data analytics regardless of their background and field of study; Establishing a bridge between our student community and data science professionals; Sparking interest for data science and related topics in the Harvard community at large.
  • HKS Educational Technology

    The educational technology team at Harvard Kennedy School provides our community with technologies to support teaching and learning and to facilitate innovation in the classroom, online, and in the field. Examples include: - Communicating and collaborating before and after class via the course website and associated tools - Engaging with digital course content outside of class and completing related online assessments to show evidence of learning - Gathering in-class anonymous feedback via classroom response systems to gauge understanding and solicit opinions - Bringing in a guest speaker virtually to speak with the class - Providing enrolled students with access to recorded class sessions through the course website for post-session review - Offering live online office hours with teaching staff
  • Science in the News: A Student Organization at Harvard

    Our mission is to bridge the communication gap between scientists and non-scientists. We accomplish this by providing free seminars, lessons, social events, and written material on varying science topics for the general public. We also provide science PhD students the chance to hone their communication skills by hosting these events and by giving feedback on their presentations and articles.
  • HKS Case Program

    Develops and publishes cases, case teaching resources, best practices, multimedia cases, issue briefs, and simulations on governance and public policy topics.
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