• Harvard College Social Innovation Collaborative

    The Harvard College Social Innovation Collaborative (SIC) brings together members of the Harvard community who would like to pursue innovative solutions to the world's most pressing social and environmental problems. SIC aims to train and empower new and established entrepreneurs by creating mentorship networks and opportunities for undergraduates. They host the annual Igniting Innovation Summit on Social Entrepreneurship.
  • Harvard College Office of BGLTQ Student Life (aka QuOffice)

    The QuOffice runs a workshop called "Thinking Querelly" which aims to create a more BGLTQ informed and inclusive campus. The workshop is open to students, faculty, and administrators.
  • Harvard College Women’s Center

    The women's center provides an interactive workshop called "Gender 101" to different organizations (student and staff), which aims to build awareness of the diversity of gender identities on campus. Additionally they have a Women in STEM program designed to help support and retain women in STEM fields.
  • Hack Harvard College

    Hack Harvard is an annual hackathon that transpires over the course of a weekend that also provides mentors, workshops, and tech talks to help ease students through the hackathon experience.
  • The Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations

    The Foundation sponsors annual programs and activities that are designed to promote diversity, inclusion and equity in the interest of interracial, intercultural and inter-religious understanding and harmony in the Harvard community. They provide funding to most, if not all, of the cultural organizations working on educating peers about their communities/cultures through SAC grants.
  • Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

    By supporting experimentation, innovation, and evidence-based practices, the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning seeks to create transformational learning experiences for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates in Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
  • Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA)

    The Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) supports geospatial research and teaching at Harvard University. The Center provides geographic information systems (GIS) solutions ranging from general cartography and mapping to spatial visualizations, web maps, and web services. By integrating spatial data with knowledge from multiple disciplines, CGA actively promotes the use of geographic information systems (GIS) in the Harvard curriculum. The Center's mission is to strengthen GIS infrastructure and services across the University.
  • Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity

    The Office of Faculty Development & Diversity is Harvard’s central faculty affairs office. We work with colleagues in the Schools to guide and coordinate policies and practices in all areas of faculty affairs, with the aim of increasing accountability and measurable progress in diversifying Harvard's faculty.  FD&D's main mission is to develop, implement, and evaluate University-wide programs designed to improve faculty life and diversity, and to collect, analyze, and disseminate data on faculty appointments.
  • Curriculum mapping projects across Harvard

    The Harvard Initiative for Learning and teaching (HILT) hosted its Speaker Series on June 4, 2018 in the Fong Auditorium in Boylston Hall featuring Curriculum Mapping projects from across Harvard.
  • Integrating my online course to improve the classroom experience

    Lecturer Kathryn Parker Boudett shared how she utilizes her HarvardX online course, Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching, as pre-matriculation material in HGSE’s campus-based Data Wise Leadership Institute.