Teaching Decision-Making through Experiential Learning and Personalized Practice Across Disciplines
Awardees: Baruch S. Krauss (HMS), Joanna Huang (FAS), Rhonda Bondie, and Chris Dede (HGSE)
Summary: Awardees will study how decision-making is taught and assessed across disciplines and disseminate effective teaching methods.
This cross-school project team consists of instructors and learning technology specialists interested in obtaining a greater understanding of how decision-making is effectively taught and assessed across the University. The collaboration stems from mutual ongoing efforts to improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching, interest in exploring new instructional methods, and desire to identify ways to assess the decision-making skills developed through experiential learning.
Awardees plan to establish a compilation of pedagogical methods for teaching decision-making through experiential learning and develop effective assessment measures before disseminating digital methods for teaching decision-making.