Into Practice, a biweekly communication distributed from the Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning to active instructors during the academic year was inspired by a successful 2012 HILT grant project. The e-letter highlights the pedagogical practices of individual faculty members from across Schools and delivers timely, evidence-based teaching advice, contributing to and strengthening a University-wide community of practice around teaching.

Below is a catalog of all the Into Practice issues sorted by the publication date. To subscribe to Into Practice, please sign-up via our Mailing List page.

  • Getting the most out of classroom space

    Melissa Franklin, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics, rethought her teaching by rethinking her classroom. She created a flexible classroom, “the SciBox,” to encourage active learning, greater engagement, and student ownership.
  • Project Nights and open-ended design research

    Awardees will measure the effects of open-ended extracurricular projects on student learning.
  • Sound studies

    Awardee plans to create a computer lab for sound analysis that could support a number of existing courses across several departments.
  • SciBox 1.0: An innovative, experimental learning space inspiring creative approaches to teaching

    Awardees plan to redesign a 2,500 sq ft space in the Science Center into an experimental "black-box" classroom that could be used for existing classes beginning in Spring 2013.
  • Innovative studio space

    Awardees plan to design and teach a studio class in a technology-enhanced, active-learning classroom.
  • HMS Department of information technology, Education computing

    Department of information technology, Education computing supports technologies and digital media for teaching and learning needs at HMS.
  • HGSE Teaching and Learning Lab

    Support for instructional design and development through consultations, grants, programs, projects and tools.
  • SEAS “Active Learning Lab”

    The SEAS academic plan emphasizes the need for hands-on engineering experiences and student design projects. The Active Learning Laboratories are expected to take the lead and excel in supporting these student experiences.
  • SEAS Learning Incubator

    The Learning Incubator (LInc) seeks to advance learning at SEAS and elevate SEAS as a worldwide leader in innovation in learning and teaching by: Providing a team-based infrastructure for faculty to incubate, develop and adapt novel ideas and approaches to teaching, developing a culture of scholarship of teaching and learning (including research on learning and assessment) within SEAS and FAS, and providing opportunities for faculty to learn new approaches to teaching aligned with research on how students learn
  • Office of Digital Teaching and Learning

    Supports pedagogical and technical aspects of course design, development and implementation, for instructors in Extension and Summer School.